Les livres de bain, pour un rituel de détente ludique

Bath books for a playful ritual of relaxation

Reading is an essential ritual for your child's development, a special time for sharing. Bath books make this ritual possible even during the bath. The bathtime appointment is a joyful, playful moment. Your child will...
Le pouvoir magique des livres d'éveil sur le développement de bébé

The magical power of children's books on baby's development

Books have the unique power to stimulate our children's minds, nurture their curiosity and foster their intellectual growth. From as early as 4 months, babies move from discovering their own bodies to being able to grasp objects intentionally. That's it, baby's ready: the book...
Comment stimuler l'éveil à la lecture et à l'écriture des tout-petits

How to encourage toddlers to learn to read and write

Toddlers are real little sponges when it comes to learning! They absorb everything, everything, everything we show them. From discovering books to exploring words and sentences, to learning sounds and letters, we've got some practical advice to help your children...
Quel type de mobilier pour une salle de jeu stimulante?

What type of furniture for a stimulating playroom?

The ideal playroom is a place of imagination and discovery, where little ones can play and thrive. Here are some of our favorite design ideas, along with a handy list of essentials, so you can create a whimsical wonderland for your child.
Pourquoi les jouets non-toxiques sont importants pour les bébés

Why non-toxic toys are important for babies

The early years of your child's development are crucial, so it's important to pay attention to any aspects that may hinder the process. Since babies tend to explore their environment by putting things in their mouths, it makes sense to take a closer look at their toys. This...
L'emmaillotage : pourquoi et comment emmailloter bébé ?-Boutique LeoLudo

Swaddling: why and how to swaddle baby?

Discover the benefits of swaddling for your baby, and learn how to do it in a way that gives your baby a feeling of security and comfort similar to that felt in the womb. We tell you why you should consider swaddling your baby, and the steps you need to take...

Maisons de poupées: guide et conseils d'achat-Boutique LeoLudo

Dollhouses buying guide and tips

Discover our complete guide to buying a dollhouse. From the benefits and advantages of playing with these timeless toys, to our buying tips and a selection of the best models, we'll help you make the right choice for rich, stimulating imaginative play for your child!
5 raisons d'offrir un coffret cadeau pour célébrer une naissance-Boutique LeoLudo

5 reasons to offer a gift set to celebrate a birth

If you're looking for a baby shower gift idea, we present 5 reasons why you should opt for a gift set.

Choisir le bon tapis d’éveil pour bébé-Boutique LeoLudo

Choosing the right mat for your baby

Why buy a playmat? And what criteria should you use to choose one? Our buying guide takes a look at this playful and stimulating toy, which offers many activities for baby from the very first months. The right playmat will be an important ally...
Couteau KiddiKutter: coupe les aliments et non les petits doigts!-Boutique LeoLudo

KiddiKutter knife: cuts food, not little fingers!

If you're looking for a way to introduce your kids to the kitchen and get them involved in meal preparation, you can't pass up a must-have tool to do it safely: the KiddiKutter Kids Knife !

Guide de nettoyage des jouets de bébé-Boutique LeoLudo

Baby Toy Cleaning Guide

Ah, the toys of our adorable little ones! They nibble them, taste them, drop them, drag them everywhere, chew them, forget them and rediscover them... As a caring parent, you want to protect your little one from germs. In this article, we offer you some...

Créer votre propre pluie arc-en-ciel: une activité amusante et éducative pour le Jour de la Terre-Boutique LeoLudo

Create your own rainbow: a fun and educational activity for Earth Day

Nature is full of wonders and mysteries, and one of the most beautiful natural phenomena is rainbows. This year, celebrate Earth Day with a simple, yet fun and educational science activity to do with your kids using materials found at home.